Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Play Week

So this week we're playing with a few things, an image generator, Librarything, and Webfeat.
I tried an image generator, but I wasn't impressed. I'm not particularly creative, but I thought I'd try to Wharhol-ize an image. It didn't come out to great. But I was exposed to some, and I suppose that was the idea.
I do already use Librarything on my own. I love it! I even got a tee-shirt from their booth when I went to PLA in March. I'd like it here, but I'm not quite that open yet. Great service though. I did also see that they have this service whereby libraries can link their catalog to Librarythings and get the tags that Librarything users have added to books in their catalog. How neat! I'd suggest it, but I doubt anyone would listen.
In my internship I've used webfeat a few times. It's similar to a service I use for FSU to find articles across their databases. Quite neat.
And that's my post for the week.

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